Just about bordering on odd, I see things through different eyes.The heading says it all - I live, I love, I craft, I am me...


October Scavenger Hunt Link up Party!

If you have joined in with my

Scavenger hunt, please link

with me on your blog :)

Please add your name to the

link up tool below,

just follow the easy instructions,

don't worry - if I can do it so can you!

Please just add your Name or Blog Name in the 'Link Title',

Now, let the Link-up Party begin!

Don't forget to leave a comment when you visit :)

Add your name below and let the link up party begin!
1. SimpleNaturalHandmade  6. Jak  11. Louise  
2. Diana  7. Susan  12. Rosie  
3. Shazza Sunshine and Celandines  8. fiona  13. Fil  
4. Julie  9. Amanda  
5. Lovely Lady  10. Barbara  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Great idea! Do I prepare my post my photos then add my name to your link - or the other way round? Sorry..

    1. Hi, at the beginning of the month I supply the list of words then at the end you post your photos and stories on your blog and come across here to link up, then we all visit each others blogs and comment. Would be brilliant if you joined us for the November words!

  2. Thanks! Can I post photos this month or am I too late? Can post by 31st

    1. If you are all set and ready and have the photos - then yes that would be wonderful!

  3. Just finding you and this scavenger hunt sounds so fun! I am writing the words down so I can join in at the end of the month!


Hi there...

Thank you ever so much for stopping by today - I'm really glad that you did. If you would like to leave me a comment then I would be delighted to hear from you, any one signing as anonymous or writing anything unkind, political, any form of hate or computer generated will be acknowledged as spam and deleted.

Hawthorn x

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.